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Order Id : 45120 5_star.png

I would have been satisfied if I had received just simple programming homework but Professor Keith surpassed all my expectations. My homework was praised for its quality and clear codes. And for that, I thank you, sir.

Order Id : 45119 4.5_star.png

Sir Larson made my backend project so fun and interesting that I didn't even realize when the work was completed. I wish we had teachers like you in the academy but at least I can connect with you for your assistance here.

Order Id : 45118 4.5_star.png

Mr. Keith is the type of guy who would explain the topics without having you feel bored at all. His clear explanations have been really helpful for me. I will surely hire you again when needed.

Order Id : 45117 4_star.png

Keith's assistance with my homework was the only reason I was able to submit it on time. Otherwise, I would still be stuck at the data cleaning step. Great work and even better service, would recommend it to others too.